Special Unit Bid Request

Special Unit Bid Request

This form to be used for all units other than regular chillers, such as boilers, heat exchangers, and some absorbers. 

All information noted with two asterisks (**) is necessary for a quote and to schedule due to the need to ship equipment in order to perform the testing, and to ensure we have the needed equipment in-house.

All information filled in by customer is said to be accurate and exact to the best of his knowledge.  This information must be accurate before the job can be scheduled.

If the TAI analyst arrives to the jobsite and is unable to test due to any misinformation given by the customer, TAI reserves the right to charge a fee for the time and travel incurred by the analyst.  Any incorrect information given may result in incorrect equipment being shipped for testing.

Bid Type

Chemical Plant
Power Plant


Job Site / Equipment

If Units/Vessels are not Identical, please copy form and submit one form for each unit.

Tubes / Bundle

Finned or Prime
** This Denotes Critical Information. Inaccurate Information may Delay Testing and Affect Job Price!
Are Tubes
Welded or Seamless
Straight or **U-Bend
Vertical or Horizontal
Are tubes finned?
Yes or No
Do Tubes Have Inserts?
Yes or No
Do You Suspect a Leak?
Yes or No
Has Unit Been Previously Tested?
Yes or No
Are Previous Test Results Available?
Yes or No
Are tube maps available?
Yes or No
Are Sample Tubes Available?
Yes or No
What is the Accessibility of the Unit?
Confined Space
Cat walk
If Confined Space, Is Ventilation Equip. Available?
If Required, Will Scaffolding Be Supplied?
During Inclement Weather, Will Tarp/Tent be Erected?
Yes or No
Will Lighting Be Provided in Water Box?
Yes or No
Will There Be "Wait Time" During Shift Change?
Yes or No
Define Shift Time
10 Hour Shifts
24 Hour Shifts
** This Denotes Critical Information. Inaccurate Information may Delay Testing and Affect Job Price!

Safety Classes

Are Safety Classes Required?
Yes or No
If So, List Number of Required Hours:




Safety Equipment

Check Safety Equipment Required:
Steel-toed Boots
Lockout Tags & Locks
Hard Hat
Safety Glasses
Forced Air / Ventilation